Children’s Ministries


Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 19:14)

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At Bethany Baptist Church we strive to provide Biblical teaching to our children in a loving environment reaching the heart of the child for Jesus that they would grow and mature in Him. Biblical teaching is provided through Sunday school, Children’s Church, Monthly Kids club and Vacation Bible School. Older youth are given the opportunity to serve through being helpers in VBS and Kids club.

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VBS 2018

Jonah Adventure

We had a whale of a time learning about Obedience and God’s grace through the story of Jonah.


VBS 2017

African Missions Experience

Volunteering with Source of Light Ministries on Thursday July 20th and a Special day of Activities on July 22nd.

We had a great time getting involved in missions this summer and hearing about Brian and Alyssa Thompson’s mission trip to Africa.